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Is this free?
Yes 100% Free for all users.

Will my images be removed?
Images not accessed within 60 days will be removed.

How many images can I upload?
You can upload as many images as you want, as long as each one adheres to the Terms of Service.

Which image types am I allowed to upload?
You may upload .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp and .png image types. bmp images will be converted to .jpg automatically.

Are there any restrictions to the size of my uploaded images?
Each image you upload must be less than 1.5 megabytes in size. If it is greater than that amount, your image will be resized.

Can I edit my images using site?
No. Most people use graphics editing programs such as PhotoShop or Paint Shop Pro, or software that comes with printers, scanners, or digital cameras to edit their images.

Can I upload music or videos?
No. Music hosting is not allowed due to copyright concerns. Video hosting is not allowed due to large file sizes.

How much space can I use?
You have an unlimited amount of space for storing your images. continuously buys harddrives to compensate for the amount of images that's visitors upload.


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